Life process

Life process


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  • In this chapter you will all study about all the organism that what process are essential to sustain there life as well as how we can know that the organism is living or a non living
  • If the organism is capable to take the food as well as well as they respire and excrete the waste material i.e excretion so by this we can conclude that the organism is living
  • If the organism moved from one place to another than also we can say that the organism is living but that is also in two way's

  1. Movement :- It's the process in which there is only a little bit movement or displace of the thing's can be seen for ex- movement of eye.
  2. Locomotion :- It's a process in which there is the movement which can be easily identified of can be easily seen. For ex :- Movement of one place to another

Nutrition -
  • The Process of taking of food inside the body and then convert it into the smaller molecules which can be absorbed easily by the body is called as Nutrition.
    Need of nutrition: Nutrition is needed to provide energy for doing many more activity and provide essential energy and nutrients for life processes.
    Nutrients: All the materials that provide nutrition to an organisms are called as nutrients. For example,
    • Carbohydrates and fats are the nutrients which are used by the organism mainly as a source of energy. These nutrients are found in wheat, potato, rice, corn, chocolates etc. So when you eat them you feel energetic.
    • Proteins, minerals and vitamin are nutrients used for making body parts like skin, blood, bones etc.
    Examples of these nutrients are keratin (protein), collagen (protein), vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin E, iron (mineral), calcium (mineral) and many more. These nutrients are found in egg, meat, fish, potatoes, milk, beet root and in many other vegetables and fruits.
    Mode of Nutrition 
  • Mode of nutrition is called as the method of obtaining food by an organism. There are mainly two modes of nutrition:
    1. Autotrophic mode                                                                                2. Heterotrophic mode
    a. Autotrophic Mode: As the name suggest `auto' means 'self’ and `trophic' means 'nutrition'.
    In this type of nutrition an organism does not depend on other living beings for food. Organism synthesizes or make its own food by photosynthesis.
    The Role of the Leaf in Photosynthesis Worksheet - EdPlace
The raw material's for the photosynthesis are:-

  • Carbon di oxide
  • Sunlight
  • Water
  • chlorophyll

b. Heterotrophic Nutrition :-

A  type of nutrition in which energy is obtained from the the autotrophs or they can't able to make there food in called as heterotrophic .

Ex;- Human beings and all the animal's

The heterotrophic is furthur divide into three types:-
  • Saprophytic Nutrition
  • Parasitic Nutrition
  • Holozoic Nutrition
Saprophytic Nutrition :- 

  • It is the mode of nutrition in which organism obtain  it's nutrition from the dead and decaying organism is called as the saprophytic nutrition.

  • These organism are also called as saprophytes

  • Ex:- Mushroom (Agaricus)

Parasitic Nutrition

  • It is the mode of nutrition in which organism obtain  it's nutrition from the other living organism without killing them is called as the Parasitic nutrition nutrition.

  • These organism are also called as Parasitic.

  • Ex:- Plasmodium , Roundworm , Leech

Holozoic Nutrition

  • It is the mode of nutrition in which organism obtain The whole article as a food they intake that food and absorb it with some mechanism.

  • Ex:- Amoeba, Human Being.