Life process - Nutrition in Amoeba

Life process - Nutrition in Amoeba


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Nutrition In Amoeba

  • Amoeba is a Holozoic organism, so it does not absorb it's food but ingests it's food
  • Amoeba is called as phagocytosis.(ingest whole food particle) .
  • There are different type’s of stages in this process they are as follow:-

  1. Ingestion :-It occur with the help of special structure called Pseudopodia(Which is false mouth like structure). When amoeba come near to the food particle this Pseudopodia open like a mouth and the food particle’s enter into it.

  2. Digestion :- After this the Psedopodia completely close and make a food vacuole, which contain the food moves into the cytoplasm and various digestive enzyme enter's into it and the digestion process take place. 

  3. Absorption :- The digested food from the vacuole diffuse out into the cytoplasm. In this there is no complex system like higher organism.

  4. Assimilation :- This is the process now in which the food  is digested or that energy is sent to the other part of the body like respiratory system to perform there activity.

  5. Egestion :-This is the process in which t here is the removal of waste material. There is no fixed place to remove the waste in Amoeba as they don't have the anus to excrete. In this the undigested food is removed from any part of the body this process is called as the Exocytosis.   


As we all know that the animal's are depend on other organism for the survival and this type of mode is called as the Heterotrophic .

Depend on the food habitat, animal's are classified into following categories :-

1. Herbivores :- These animal's obtain there food directly from the green plant. Ex:- Rabbit, dear

2. Carnivores :- These animal's obtain there food from the flesh of the other animal's. Ex :- Lion, Tiger.

3. Omnivores :- These animal's obtain there food by the  both plant's as well as flesh of the the other animal's. Ex:-nj Bear, man


The Human Digestive system consist of 

a) Alimentary Canal
b) Digestive Gland's


The Human Alimentary canal is  nearly a Nine meter long tube, extended from the mouth to the anus.



  • Mouth opens into a chamber or cavity called as the buccal cavity. 
  • They have a Muscular structure called Tongue which help the process of mastication and swallowing the food.
  • Both upper jaw's and lower jaws are present in which there are four different type of teeth are present :-

  1. Incisor
  2. Canine
  3. Premolar
  4. Molar
  • The saliva has an enzyme called as Ptyaline.

  • Buccal cavity open's into the small funnel shaped pharynx 
  • Pharynx contain two tubes - Trachea and Oesophagus 
  • They have a flap like structure which is called as epiglottis.

  • It's a tube like structure, which connect pharynx the the stomach.
  • The wall of Oesophagus is highly muscular but it contain no digestive gland. 

  • It's large J shaped like structure. It's present on the left side of the Abdomen.
  • The stomach is divedid into three part's

  1. Cardiac (Upper part)
  2. Fundus (Middle part)
  3. Pylorus ( Lower part)
  • The innermost layer of the wall of stomach is called mucosa. 
  • It contain the digestive enzyme like Pepsin and Rennin (for protein Digestion)
  • HCl (which make the medium acidic and help to kill the bacteria) acid and mucus is also present 
  • A small amount of gastric lipase enzymes is also present to digest small amount of  fat.
  • Digestion of protein take place in the stomach.
  • There is no carbohydrate digestion take place in stomach.
  • This is a highly coiled and narrowed around 6 meter tube. It's the  longest part of the alimentary canal. 
  • This  this is divided into three region :-

  1. Duodenum :- It attach to the lower part of the stomach.
  2. Jejunum :-  It's the middle part of the intestine.
  3. Ilium :- It's the last part of the intestine which open to the caecum which is the part of Large  intestine.

  • The wall of the small intestine has the long finger like projection which is called as the Villi.
  • The villi increased the surface area lining of the stomach.
  • This enhance the absorption and digestion of the food
  • Small intestine contain many gland, which secrete digestive juices, collectively called as succus entericus.
  • Small intestine is the place where digestion of food is completed  
  • The small intestine open into the large intestine. It's smaller than small intestine but it's diameter is larger.
  • It's main function is to absorb the water and mineral from the food which is going to the anus.
  • The large intestine has 3 part's :-

  1. Caecum
  2. Colon
  3. Rectum
  • The undigested food is sent in the rectum where it's go to the anus to passed outside from the body.

The digestive gland's are present in the digestion of food are :-

 1. Salivary Gland :-
  • This gland secrete an enzyme called as ptyaline , which help to digest starch into maltose. This carbohydrate digestion start to take place.
  • There are three pair's of Salivary gland's present :- 
  1. Parotid gland
  2. Sublingual Gland
  3. Sub- mandibular Gland
2. Liver :- 

  • It's the largest gland of the body.
  • It's placed in the upper right side  of the abdomen.
  • Liver secrete a watery, alkaline secretion know as Bile. 
  • The Bile which released is concentrated so it's stored in the Gall Bladder.
  • Bile does not contain any enzyme.
  • It help to break down or Emulsification of fat molecules into the small globules.    
3. Pancreas
  • It's the Second largest gland of the body.
  • It's the mixed gland because it has both exocrine part's (Enzymes)as well as endocrine part's (Hormone).
  • Exocrine have enzyme's like Trypsin, Chymotrypsin and beta amylase
  • Endocrine have hormone like Insulin and Glucagon.
  • Both bile and pancreatic juice enter into the duodenum through a common duct.
  • All the enzymes of pancreas work's in Alkaline medium