Our Environment

Our Environment


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  • It refer to the whole range of external condition such as physical and biological in which an organism live. The environment include both living and non living. 
  • Environment include a part of the Lithosphere (The solid earth) and Hydrosphere ( Water ) and the Atmosphere ( Air ). These all make a Biosphere which is a place where life sustain.


  • Its a basic and functional ecological unit, which includes all living and non living components of a given area and involves there mutual interaction.
  • The term 'Ecosystem' was given by the great ecologist A.G Tansley in 1935.
  • Sun is the ultimate source of energy.
  • The ecosystem is basically of two types:-

  1. Natural Ecosystem :- This is a type of ecosystem which is made by nature an in this there is no involvement  of human  beings. Ex:- Pond, Forest.
  2. Artificial Ecosystem :- This is a type o ecosystem which is made by  human beings for there own needs and desire For ex:- Crop field, Aquarium.


The components are basically broadly classified into two :-
  1. Biotic Component
  2. Abiotic Components
  • They are the ecosystem include microorganism like bacteria, protozoan, algae and fungi.
  • On the basis of their nutritional status, they are of three types : Producer, Consumer and Decomposers.

1. PRODUCERS:- They are the organism which produce food in the ecosystem, by carrying out Photosynthesis. All other organism depend directly and indirectly on producer for the supply of food. Example:- Algae and green plants.

2. CONSUMERS :- They are the organism, which feed and depend on other organism for their nutritive needs. They are also known an heterotrophs.

Consumers may be of three types:-
  1. Herbivores :- They are the animal which only depend on green plants for there survival. They are also called as primary carnivores For ex:- Rabbit, cow.
  2. Carnivore :- They are the animal which depend on other animal for there survival. They are also called as Secondary Carnivores. For ex:- Lion, Cheetahs.
     Tropic level
  3. Omnivores :- They are the animals which depend on both the products of plants and animals for  there survival For ex:- Human beings, cat, dog.
3. DECOMPOSER :- They are the organism feed on the dead body and decaying organic matter. They decompose complex organic matter into simple organic matter.


They are the non living components of the ecosystem but they are essential for the needs of Biotic components.
  1. Light :- All plants and animals depend on sunlight for the great source of energy. They are essential for the purpose of  photosynthesis, metabolism, growth and movement.
  2. Temperature :- They are highly sensitive and according to the temperature the living beings adapted themselves. For ex:- Hibernation done to avoid extreme temperature.
  3. Gases:- The gases are very essential in the purpose of respiration and also in the production of energy. 
  4. Water:- Its a prime abiotic factor in all ecosystem. it is especially important in aquatic ecosystem. water is essential for photosynthesis and they have lots of important characteristic.
  5. Mineral :- They are essential for all living organism and mainly for plants.
  6. Organic Substance :- They are carbon containing compounds which are mainly produced by living organism or by there waste for ex:- Proteins, Carbohydrate, fats, lipids.
  7. Soil :- Its the upper shallow layer of earth. It form the habitat of all terrestrial organism. Soil is also the habitat of many microorganism.
There are basically dynamic unit and depend upon the following factors:-
  1. Flow of energy
  2. Food chain
  3. Food web.
  • This movements of energy through successive trophic level in an ecosystem is called as Energy Flows.
     Tropic level
  • Energy flows is always unidirectional (Producers to consumer) 
  • Sun is the ultimate source of energy. in an ecosystem.
  • This energy flow from producers to the primary consumer and to that secondary consumer and after that it reached to the top carnivores.
  • For the energy flow there is an estimate or law which is called as 10% law in which there is statement that an average of 10% of the energy is transferred from one trophic level to the next in simple we can say that only 10% energy will transfer from one to another. 
  • This is a chain or link among biotic component at different trophic level the producers and consumers are linked together for there nutritive need.
  • The small amount of energy transfer to the next trophic level.
  • The size of food chain is limited upto 3 to 4 steps.
  • It is always Unidirectional i.e always energy flows from producers to tertiary consumers.
Food Chain

  • The interconnection of many food chain is known as Food Web.
  • For ex:- The plants and crop are eaten by rats, insects, and also by rabbit. The rat in turn is consumed by snake and insect is eaten by  lizard. The snake, lizard and rabbit all can also be consumed by a Hawk. 
Food web of organism
Food Web


  • Ozone is a molecule, which is formed by three atom of Oxygen. While oxygen gas is life supportive and essential for all life forms.
  • Ozone layer is present at the surface of the earth. It is about 0.29 cm thick above equator and 0.40 cm at poles.
  • Ozone layer acts as a protective cover as it prevent the UV radiation from reaching the earth surface.
  • The main cause of depletion of Ozone layer is CFC (Chloro-fluoro carbon) which produce active chlorine in the presence of UV radiation. These things destroy Ozone and convert it into the oxygen. The CFC is generated from fire extinguisher, AC, Refrigerator etc.
  • The ozone layer is also depleted because of Global warming.
  • It will increase the amount of UV radiation on earth.
  • They may cause Cataract and Skin cancer.
  • In plants, they can reduce photosynthesis.
  • These radiation directly destroy the normal structure of the DNA and may lead to the death of an organism.

The proper disposal and management of the garbage should be dispose.
They are usually categories into two:-

1. Biodegradable :- These waste can be decompose by the action of simple bacteria or fungi. They do not cause environmental pollution ex:- animal and plants waste.

2. Non-biodegradable :- These waste can not be decompose by the action of simple bacteria or fungi. They cause severe environmental pollution ex:- Polythene, plastic.

  • Always follow 3R i.e Recycle, Reduce and Refuse.
  • Use eco-friendly polybags to dispose waste.
  • Avoid plastic instead of that use there alternative like paper bags etc.