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All the living organism need energy to perform the work and for this they need oxygen in the form of ATP(Adenosine Tri Phosphate) energy. 


The process of intake of oxygen and giving out of Carbon dioxide is called as breathing or we can say that the mechanism, by which organism obtain oxygen from the environment and released carbon dioxide in it, is known as breathing.

In breathing two steps take place simultaneously they are :-

Inspiration :- It's a process in which we inhale the gas from the environment and our chest come outward because of the presence or pressure of the gas in the lungs.

Expiraton :- It's a process in which we release gas from our  body into the environment  and or chest come inward or get in normal position.

Note :- The normal breathing of an Adult Human Being is 16 times per minute.


It's a catabolic process in which food particle are oxidised in living cell, to release energy in simple we can say that it released the energy which is utilised for carrying out biological function essential for the survival and maintainance of an organism.


Respiration is of Two Types :- 

  • It is a type of respiration in which the involvement of oxygen is necessary. 
  • In this there is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between organism and its environment.
  • It occurs in mitochondria.
  • Coenzymes are reduced.
  • This type  of respiration is occured in mammals like Human Beings.
  • It is a type of respiration in which there is no involvement of oxygen. 
  • In this there is no exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between organism and its environment.
  • It occurs in cytoplasm.
  • Coenzymes are reduced.
  • This type of respiration occurs in Yeast which is also used as for Fermentation process.
  • Similar to the  other organism plants also respire and in this there is the exchange of gases take place which is called as Diffusion.
  • In the plant's there is no particular organ or specific organ is developed like in animal.
  • The respiration in plants occur in slow rate.
  • The exchange of gas in plants are commonly called as Transpiration.
  • In Root's the respiration is occurred through the root hair i.e root hair absorb the oxygen from air present in between the soil particles.
  • In Stem's the respiration is occurred through the lenticels which is the cracking or the open pore of the stem which is used as the exchange of gases.
  • In Leaves there is a tiny pores called Stomata is present which is used to exchange of gases  
  • They have a Guard cells which is usually open and close.
  • These guard cells open when carbon dioxide come into it.
  • The  guard cells closed when they released oxygen from the stomata.
  • The Animals are more developed in their body structure and they also have a specific organ for the purpose of respiration.
  • The exchange of gases in animal is commonly called as Breathing.
  • The animal's always releases carbon dioxide and take oxygen they are almost strictly follow the aerobic respiration.
  • Different animals have different parts or body organ to do respire according to their habitat like aquatic animals respire through gills and terrestrial animals respire through lungs.
  • There are some common animals and their organ which they used for the purpose of respiration.
  1. Amoeba         :-       Body surface
  2. Fishes            :-       Gills
  3. Earthworm     :-       Skin
  4. Reptiles          :-       Lungs
  5. Birds              :-       Lungs
  6. Mollusca         :-       Gills
  7. Mammals        :-        Lungs
  8. Cockroach       :-       Tracheal tubes
  • Human beings have very complex and specific structure for the respiration.
  • Lungs are the main respiratory organ in human beings and this type of respiration is called as Pulmonary respiration.
  • The respiratory system in human beings consist of following parts:-


  • The tip of the nose has two small holes called Nostril.
  • The nostril lead internally into nasal cavity.
  • The hair inside nostril clean the air, and mucus which is present in the nasal cavity and trap the foreign particles.
  • It is about 5 inches long, spacious chamber, which receives both the nasal cavity as well as oral cavity.
  • pharynx leads into Trachea and Oesophagus and these both pipe are guarded by a cartilaginous flap like structure called as Epiglottis.
  • The glottis normally remain open but during food swallowing it gets covered by epiglottis to prevent the entry of food in trachea.
  • It's a cartilaginous structure that produce sound and thus help in speaking.
  • It's located at the upper top of the trachea.
  • It's a long tubular, hollow structure, which arise in pharynx and goes to the middle of the thoracic cavity.
  • It serves as a passage for entry and exit of respiratory gases.
  • The trachea and Bronchi is covered with 'C' shaped cartilaginous rings on their outer wall these rings prevent Trachea and Bronchi from collapse, during expiration.
  • The lower end of the Trachea is divided into the Bronchi.
  • The bronchi is the branches of the trachea and called as primary bronchi.
  • Each bronchus inside the lungs into many secondary and tertiary branches which form bronchioles.
  • These bronchioles have Alveoli in which diffusion of gas take place.
  • They are the two, balloon like structure, which are the primary organ of respiration .
  • They are present in the Thoracic cavity, one on either side of the Heart.
  • The Lungs are covered by the membrane called as Pleural membrane and between the space they have a fluid called as Pleural fluid.
  • The average weight of the Lungs is approx 450 gm of an Adult human being.
  • The left lung has basically two lobes while the right lung has mainly three lobes.
  • Internally the lungs have many branches and Alveolar sac is present where diffusion of gas take place.

There are many other Organs and Bones help to perform the function of respiration they are

  1. RIBS
  • There are 12 pairs of ribs in human being.
  • They are the bony and cartilaginous structure, that form the wall of thoracic cavity.
  • One end of a rib is attached with the Vertebral column ( Back bone ) and other with Sternum ( chest bone ). They form a cage like system called as Rib cage.
  • Ribs protect Lungs and Heart.
  • Ribs have a special muscle called as inter-coastal muscle. These are present in between the space of two ribs.
  • The inter-coastal muscle help in the outward and inward direction  
  • This is the bottom of the Thoracic cavity, there is a large muscular flap.
  • This is Dome shaped like structure but, during inhalation it becomes flat.
  • Firstly we intake gas from the environment with the help of Nose the process called as Inspiration.
  • In nose some particles which is not good for health is trapped by tiny hair.
  • This air went into the trachea and by this they went to the bronchi and bronchioles.
  • Through these bronchioles they went to the alveoli where the diffusion of gas take place.
  • the gas which is used now or which is not useful for us by the same track they released from the body by the process of Expiration.