Transportation in an organism

Transportation in an organism


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  • Transportation is the process in which we can transfer the material and the essential things from one part to the another part.
  • In plant's the transportation is done by the Xylem and Phloem to move water and mineral from  one part to the another .
  • In animal this process is done by Blood.
  • Animal's are to the most advanced creatures on earth as well as animal's have high complex structure of transportation.
  • Human beings have various substance such as digested food, oxygen, hormones, are transport to other animal organ and tissue.
  • There are two ways by which the transportation system in an animal take place they are Blood and Lymph.
  • In Human being the blood flow inside the closed vessel these vessel are called as blood vessel.
  • To maintain the pressure a pump is required called as Heart.
  • In Human beings and other higher animal the blood flow inside the closed tubes, called as blood vessel.
  • The blood vessel are of three types
  1. Arteries
  2. Veins
  3. Capillary
  1. Arteries :-  
  • They are thick walled.
  • They carry pure blood from heart to the various part's of the body.
  • They carry Oxygenated blood except Pulmonary artery which carry deoxygenated  blood.
  • The largest artery in Human body is Aorta.
  2. Veins :-

  • They are thin walled.
  • They carry impure blood from various parts of the body to the heart.
  • They carry deoxygenated blood except Pulmonary vein which carry oxygenated  blood.
  • The largest vein in Human body is Vena cava.
  3. Capillary:-
  • They are very small and fine vessel that form network in each tissue of the body.
  • The wall of capillary is very thin.
  • The diffusion of gas take place in the capillaries.
Blood Vessel


  • The heart is the main and important muscular bag like structure, that functions non stop throughout the life of an individual.
  • The main and major function is to pump the blood throughout the body.
  • It consist of Cardiac muscle. These muscle never undergo fatigue.
  • The heart is located almost in the center of the thoracic cavity and the heart is almost 80% at left side and 30% at the right side.
  • The size of the heart is about your closed fist.
  • the weight of the heart is approx 250-300 gm in an adult human being.
Structure of the Heart
  • Heart is covered by three layer they are :-
  1. Pericardium :- outermost layer of the heart.
  2. Myocardium :- Middle layer of the Heart.
  3. Endocardium :- Innermost layer of the heart.   
  • Heart has four chambers and they are :-
  1. Right Atrium
  2. Right Ventricle 
  3. Left Auricle
  4. Left Ventricle
  • Right atrium is connected with the Superior Vena cava and Inferior Vena cava which brings impure blood to the body.
  • Right atrium has Tricuspid valve which open when the blood filled up.
  • Right Ventricle has a pulmonary artery which is going to be connected with Lung's. They also have impure blood.
  • Left atrium is connected with pulmonary vein by which Oxygenated blood come from the lungs.
  • Left atrium has Bicuspid valve which open when the  blood filled out.
  • Left ventricle has Aorta which supply the blood to the whole part of the body.
  • Septum of the Heart :-
  • The left side and the right side of  the heart is divided  by the division called as Septum
  • The right atrium and left atrium are separated by septum called as inter-auricular septum.
  • Both the auricles' are separated by the ventricle septum called as inter-auricular-ventricular septum.
  • The left ventricle and right Ventricle are separated by the septum called as Inter ventricular septum.

  • The impure or deoygenated blood comes from the superior and inferior vena cava into the right atrium.
  • Right auricle pump the blood to right ventricle when tricuspid valve open.
  • Right ventricle send this blood to the lungs to get oxygenated by pulmonary artery.
  • The blood reach to the lungs where diffusion take place and the deoxgenated blood convert into the oxygenated form.
  • The blood comes back to the heart by pulmonary vein into the left upper chamber i.e left auricle and by this the heart reach to the lower chamber through opening o f the bicuspid valve.
  • The left Ventricle pumps the blood to the whole part of the  body by the Aorta       
    path of the heart, flow of the blood, circulation of the heart

 double circulation
  • The double circulation is done only in higher organism i.e mammals and bird's.
  • In this two circulation take place.
  1. Systematic circulation :- It's the circulation which take place only in the heart.
  2. Pulmonary circulation:- When the blood goes to the lung's and by that it came to heart is called as pulmonary circulation.
These circulation take place two times that's why this is called as Double circulation.

  • The pressure generated by the heart on blood is called as blood pressure 
  • The Blood pressure can be measured by the sphygmomanometer.
  • There are two types of pressure:-
  1.  Systolic :- It's the highest BP recorded during cardiac cycle. it can be defined as pressure inside artery during ventricular systole(Contraction). In normal adult it's value is 120 mmHg.
  2. Diastole :- It's the minimum blood pressure recorded in the cardiac cycle. It can be defined as pressure inside artery during ventricular diastole(relaxation) it's value is about 80 mmHg.
So we can say that the normal BP of a person is 120/80 mm Hg.