Human Health and Disease

Human Health and Disease


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According to WHO A health is a state of completely physical mental and social well being i.e "Health is a state of body when all the organs and system have to function properly and a perfect balance is maintained between the environment and the body."  


There are many factors which affect our health and they are :- 

(i) Physical environment affect the health very much like light, temperature, cyclone, flood, soil type, rainfall etc.

(ii) Public cleanliness is very important to stay healthy and avoid garbage, blocking of drainage, open and stagnant water.

(iii) Supply of balanced diet for good health as its important for the normal body  functioning, growth and development of the body.

(iii) Personal hygiene which include cleanliness, and regular exercise come.

(iv) Healthy habit should take place and avoid addiction like drugs, alcohol, and smoking.

(v) Proper vaccination and immunisation should take place on time to avoid infectious disease and any other type of disease.


Any condition which interfers with the normal functioning of the body and impairs the health is called disease. The thing which cause a feeling of discomfort in our body they all come in the disease.


The disease are classified into two types:-

1. Congenital disease

2. Acquired disease


They are the inborn diseases which are present from the birth. These are generally inheritable. eg :- 

  • Disease caused by gene mutation :- Hemophilia, colour blindness etc
  • Disease caused by chromosomal mutation :- Down's syndrome, klinefelter's syndrome etc.

These disease occur only after birth and are non inheritable they are of two types :- 

(i) Communicable disease :- These disease can be transmitted from one infected person to another healthy person by means of air, food, water, physical contact or vectors. These are also called as infectious disease.

(ii) Non-communicable disease :- These disease can not be transmitted from one person to another It can be a disease of any deficiency type like kwashiorkor (protein), Diabetes mellitus (insulin) or it can be of allergic type like asthma Cancerous type and Degenerative type like arthritis. 


Any substance by its excess, deficiency or absence cause disease and called as disease agent. The different type of disease agents are :-

(i) Biological agents :- These are those  microorganism which when successfully infect the human body, multiply They are also called as Pathogens. These include bacteria, virus, fungi, protozoa etc.

(ii) Chemical agent :- They are in the form of chemicals it may be of natural or man made chemicals ex:- urea, uric acid, hormone, gases, dust.

(iii) Nutritive agent :- They are those in which excess or absence both can cause disease ex:- vitamins, fat, minerals etc.

(iv) Physical agents :- The things present in environment for ex:- heat (stroke) cold (frost) etc.

(v) Mechanical agents :- These include injuries, fractures, sprains etc.


The spreading of disease is the condition where the disease can transmitted from a infectious person to the healthy person. They are of two types :-

(i) Direct contact :- In this the pathogens transmitted directly without an intermediate agent. It occur in following ways:-

  • Direct contact with an  infected person i.e Handshake, kissing by this disease spread like chickenpox, smallpox, measles , leprosy etc. 
  • Droplet infection through coughing, sneezing etc the disease are :- pneumonia, diphtheria etc.
  • Contact with the soil.
  • Animal's bite :- When animal bite on human being ex :- Rabies.
  • Transplant :- When there is a transplant of any organ or they receive the blood so the disease by which donor is suffer from himself the receiver will also suffer for ex :- AIDS, Syphilis.
(ii) Indirect contact :-  In this the pathogens transmitted indirectly with an intermediate agent. It occur in following ways:-
  • Vector born by any organism like Anopheles disease caused malaria.
  • Vehicle born like cholera.
  • Air born like influenza.
  • Unclean hands and take food.

There are many disease which are very common and we can see that disease in day to day life as well we are aware to that. The disease are cause by many different pathogens they are :-



  • The typhoid is caused by bacteria salmonella typhi, commonly found in intestine of man initially but later spread to other organs of the body.
  • These bacteria will come in the body by contaminated food as well as contaminated water.
  • The incubation period is about 1-3 weeks.
  • A case in medicine, that is a lady Mary Mallon nicknamed Typhoid Mary. She was a cook by profession as well as she was a typhoid carrier who continued to spread typhoid for many years through the food she prepared.
Diagnosis :- The typhoid can be diagnosed by Widal test.

  • High Fever
  • Headache
  • Constipation
  • weakness
  • Stomach pain
  • Loss of appetite
  • Proper sanitation of human faeces.
  • Drink clean water and maintain personal hygiene.
  • It is caused by a bacteria known as streptococcus pneumonia and Heaemophilus influenzae.
  • This disease is Air borne disease or Droplet infection.
  • The pneumonia is mainly affected on alveoli (air filled sacs) of the lungs.
  • This disease can also be spread by sharing utensils and other object of infected person.
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Cough
  • Headache
  • Lips and finger nails may also turn gray to bluish in colour.
  • Do not use any object of infected person.
  • If the person is infected used mask and make a distance to the infected person.
  • It is caused by a bacteria Yersinia pestis by the infection of rats.
  • Tatera indica rat is main reservoir of plague bacteria in India.
  • Bubonic plague is a common type and it affect the lymph nodes
  • plague pandemic was also known as black death in Europe.
  • Fever and chills
  • Headache
  • Muscle ache
  • Abdominal pain
  • Bleeding from mouth, nose and rectum
  • Wear gloves when handling infected person.
  • Closely pay attention to your children and pets when they are spending time outside in areas with large rodent populations.
  • Use insect repellent.
  • It is caused by a bacteria Corynebacterium diptheriae.
  • In this there is the inflammation of mucosa of nasal chamber, throat etc and blocked the respiratory track.
  • Diphtheria is communicable disease and spread from person to person, usually by respiratory droplets, like from coughing or sneezing.