Why Do We Fall ill...?

Why Do We Fall ill...?


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Why Do We Fall Ill


What is Health

According to WHO A health is a state of completely physical mental and social well being i.e "Health is the state of mind and physicality where every person should be fit ." 

Factors, Which Affect Our Health
There are many factors which affect our Health they are :-
(i) Physical Environment: - The environment in which we live must be clean and hygienic. If it’s dirty, it can attract germs and pathogens, which can adversely affect our health. Open sewage system, stagnant water, open throwing of garbage these all things harm the community health very badly.

(ii) Social Environment: - A good social environment is must for our mental health because they help to grow our intelligence and mental fitness.

(iii) Lack of Nutritious food :- Taking good quality and nutrias food is essential for good health. Good quality of food means which have lots of vitamins, minerals, protein, fiber and other essential elements.

(iv) Aging :- It’s a process which involved age related changes. It is a natural process. When we become older some of our body process becomes slower, body become slightly weak, and health may also become weaker.


The disease can be defined as the malfunctioning of the body and organs due to one or more reasons. In other words disease indicates the presence of some disorder or problem within the body.


A. On the basis of spreading the diseases are classified into two categories they are:-
1.   Infectious Disease
2.   Non-Infectious Disease  

1. INFECTIOUS DISEASE :- This type of disease can be communicated from one person to another person. These are caused by the attack of microorganism/ infectious agents. Such agents are called as Pathogens. These include bacteria, Virus, fungi or protozoan’s.
Ex:- Tuberculosis (TB) , Leprosy, Malaria

2. NON-INFECTIOUS DISEASE :- They are non-transmitted from one person to another. These disease are not caused by infectious disease, these occur due to malfunctioning of body, organ or due to their weakness
Ex:- Diabetes, Heart disease, Cancer, Kwashiorkor etc.

B. On the basis of time the disease are classified into two :-
1.   Acute Disease
2.   Chronic Disease

1. Acute Disease :- They have a small duration and can treated very easily they does not affect the health too much. The person will feel weakness and tiredness but can be recovered soon.
Ex:- Common cold, Diarrhoea.

2. Chronic Disease :- They have very long duration. They slowly degrade the health of a person as well as affect very badly on health. They loss their weight and the immune system is also affect very much they take lots of time to recover that disease.
Ex:- AIDS, Cancer etc.


There are many cause of Disease like :-
1. Disease caused by infectious agent :- AIDS, Malaria, Chicken pox, Small pox, Ringworm etc.
2. Disease caused by nutritional deficiency :- Marasmus, Goiter, Scurvy etc.
3. Disease caused  by change in body physiology :- Heart attack, Diabetes, High blood pressure.
4. Disease caused by genetic factor :- Colorblindness, Hemophilia.
4. Disease caused by uncomfortable surrounding :- Depression, Sleeplessness, Anxiety.

Infectious disease are highly communicable, i.e, they can easily spread from one person to the other through various method they are :-

(i) Spread through Air

·         Many infectious disease and specially that which affect the respiratory system of  the person, are spread through air.
·         When an infected person Sneeze or cough, many little droplets are thrown in air. If a healthy man breath in that environment, they can catch the infection and the healthy person also going to suffer from that disease.
·         This spreading mostly spread in the areas like Overcrowded or Poor ventilated.
·         Ex:- Tuberculosis, Pneumonia

(ii) Spread through Water
·         Water is very common means of spreading a disease. If we are not taking clean water, chances of disease occurrence is very high.
·         The excreta (urine and faecal waste) of an infected person are thrown near the water resource they get mixed with the drinking water and make it polluted.
·         Ex:- Dysentery, Hepatitis

(iii) Spread through Food

  • Food articles, specially those which are sold road side, may be highly infectious. Insects and flies may carries disease pathogens from open excreta to the food articles and make them infected. When the healthy person take such articles, he may get infected.
  • Ex:- Cholera, Dysentery
(iv) Spread through Mosquitoes
  •  Some animals can carry disease causing microbes from one person to the other. Such animals are known as vectors.
  • Mosquitoes are the most important disease vectors. The female mosquitoes in order to lay eggs, require highly nutritious diet, So they feed on human blood.
  • By sucking habit they can transmit microbes from the blood of infected person 


  • to the blood of a healthy man.
·         Ex :- Malaria

(   (v) Spread through Physical contact

Many disease spread when we come in direct physical contact with the infected person or with the items used by him like Towels, clothes of the infected person must not be used in disease like TB, Leprosy etc.

(vi) Spread through Sexual Contact
·         In some disease sexual relation with the infected persons are highly risk contact with body fluid of such person may immediate results in new infections. Ex:- Syphillis, AIDS

          There are many unusual begin to appear such as Headache, body pain,         restlessness, cough, and fever etc.
     There are also a specific symptom for the specific organs and these specific   symptom depend on the tissue organ which is targeted by the infectious agent. For ex:- Dysentery will target the intestine, so the person will suffer from loose motions and stomach pain.
·         Tuberculosis will target the lungs and the patient would have cough and Blood vomiting .
·         The HIV (Virus of AIDS) target the immune system.


There are two principles are involved in the principle of treatment:-
(a) To reduce/stop the effect of Disease :- The symptom of the disease such as pain, fever etc are mainly because of inflammations. These symptom can be reduced or minimize by taking drugs and other symptom like cough, sneeze, loose motion can also be reduced due to medication.
(b) To kill the infectious agent or the cause of disease :- To kill the microbes we take we take certain chemicals in the form of medicine the drugs called as antibiotics so, we have to kill that microbe or bacteria which cause that disease so that we can be disease free.


There are many measures by which we can prevent from the disease :-
  • Always maintain personnel as well as community health.
  • Never buy food articles which are open and sold at road sides.
  • Never collect the water near to your house.
  • Cover the entire drainage system.
  •  Encourage Immunisation to the children’s.
  • Drink clean water and eat healthy food.
  • It is a process in which we inject some killed microbes or such agent which are similar to that microbes and when we inject that according the microbe our body is started to make antibody against it and when that same microbe come because or body have antibody to fight against that microbes or antigen we will not suffer from that particular disease.
  • The concept was first introduced by physician, Edward Jenner.
  • There are some common example of vaccination is:- BCG(Bacillus Calmette-Guerin), for tuberculosis etc,

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